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Will Solar Work for an Older Kansas City Home?

With solar power becoming more popular every year, people are taking notice. If you are one of those people looking to invest in solar panels, you might be wondering if you can install solar panels in your older home. Many older homes are not up to standards on many issues, like wiring, plumbing, and insulation. The good news is, if…

5 Little Known Facts About Solar Power

Solar power has come a long way over the years, and yet many misconceptions persist. There are a plethora of little known facts about solar power. We’re here to shed some light on the subject and shed some light on those little known facts to bring you up to speed on the many advantages of solar power. read more

I’m Ready to Go Solar, but How Can I Afford It?

Solar panels are a great way to save money on your electric bill. Over time, you may not even have an electric bill to pay. Now that you’ve decided to install solar panels, you’ve come to the realization that you may not be able to afford it, and have been told it is expensive. We’ll show you some great ways to still get solar panels without the hefty bill at the end. read more

Kansas City Roof Repairs When You Already Have Solar Panels

You’ve noticed some leak spots on your ceiling, so you go break the ladder out, and oh no! Shingles have begun to break off, and you’re now definitely sure there is a leak in your roof. You’ve now remembered you have solar panels, so are roof repairs going to be a problem? Let’s see what the next steps are in order to have your roof repaired, which will include having your panels removed and put back in place. read more

Does Cooler Weather Affect How Much Solar Energy is Collected?

Many people have misguided beliefs about how solar panels work. Many think they won’t work unless it’s a hot sunny day. The truth is that they always work, some days better than others. Anything that comes between your solar panels and the sun will make them perform slightly less than one hundred percent. Rain, clouds, shade, trees, and debris. However, hot weather can cause your panels to overheat and not work properly, either. But, solar power is a reliable and resilient energy source. Solar panels generate clean, renewable energy throughout the entire year. In the colder weather, solar panels will brighten your home to keep you cheerful.

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